INSTALL This file contains an outline for installing bnetd-0.4.26 on Unix-like systems. The process for Win32 is much different and documented in docs/README.BORLAND. If you use the MSVC++ compiler, the install process has not been documented yet. STEPS 1) All the source code is in the src directory. First change to that directory with the "cd" command. 2) Run the configure script. If you get an error like "configure: command not found" try typing "./configure". The command should print lots of progress messages and complete successfully. This results in a Makefile and config.h customized for your system. You may pass it options to modify the way the program is configured. Run configure with the "--help" options to display a list of avaliable options. The most common need is to modify the location that the server should be installed. The defaults for these values are: --prefix=/usr/local --bindir=/usr/local/bin --sbindir=/usr/local/sbin --localstatedir=/usr/local/var --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc --mandir=/usr/local/man The directories "users", "reports", "files", and "chanlogs" will be created underneath the localstatedir directory during installation. You may want to use --localstatedir=/usr/local/var/bnetd or a similar variation. 3) Now type "make". 4) Hopefully there will be no errors during the compile. the server executable is "sbin/bnetd" the proxy executable is "sbin/bnproxy" the password encrypter is "bin/bnpass" the chat client executable is "bin/bnchat" the bot client executable is "bin/bnbot" the file download client executable is "bin/bnftp" the player stat client executable is "bin/bnstat" the BNI utilities are "bin/bnibuild" "bin/bniextract" "bin/bni2tga" "bin/bnilist" "bin/tgainfo" 5) You may now optionally type "make install". This will copy the binaries, man pages, and configuration files to the directories you specified in step 2. The configuration file will be automatically updated before it is copied to reflect the locations of the other files. Be warned: if you already have configuration files in the destination directories, they will be overwritten. If you run the "make install" command, you can skip to step 7. 6) If you don't run "make install" you must copy the file named "" to "bnetd.conf". You will probably need to make changes to the file as descibed under step 7. 7) Check the "bnetd.conf" file to verify it suits your preference before running the server. Pay special attention to the files, tracking, and policy sections. Note the filenames in this file are relative to the top (root) directory of the system, so it is best to use absolute paths. If you do not want your server information to be sent to, leave the track time variable set to 0 (zero) and/or specify a different tracking server, otherwise set the time interval to something like 150 seconds. You may also wish to edit channel.list, bnmotd.txt, and bnetd_default_user. Some files in the "files/" directory might also be of interest for those people who like to customize things. 8) There is little or no reason to run this server under the root account, so consider creating a special account for it or run it as another unprivileged user. Just make sure the bnetd files and directories are both readable and writable by that user. 9) If you wish to run the server "in-place" (from the directory you compiled it in), make sure you are in the top level bnetd directory (the one with this file) and type "./sbin/bnetd -f". This should start your server in the foreground. You may also run it in the background by leaving off the "-f", but it will only work correctly if you used absolute paths as step 7 suggests. 10) If you ran "make install", you may start your server by simply typing "bnetd". If you get an error like "bnetd: command not found" that means the server is not in your search path and you will need to type the full path of the binary (for example, type "/usr/local/sbin/bnetd"). The server will automatically background itself. 11) If there are problems, you may wish to look in the "bnetd.log" file for error messages. If the server was unable to initialize the network, there may already be a bnetd server running on that computer or another program like bnchat or CDE (dtspcd) may be running and bound to TCP and/or UDP port 6112.